Paige Donahoe
Paige Donahoe, Owner Inspired Marketing
The person behind Inspired Marketing is Paige Donahoe. Paige is an experienced Marketing Communications Professional with specific experience growing marketing departments from the ground up. Paige Donahoe is a 25 year veteran of Marketing. She graduated from California State University, Fullerton with her degree in marketing. She became a Marketing Director at a young age and learned a lot behind the desk. Her career has had her at the agency level, consultant level and director level for different companies spanning different industries. Paige is experienced in building brands, working on start-ups, developing departments from the ground-ups, creating marketing strategies, budgets and plans. She is skilled in negotiating and placing print, broadcast and web advertising, developing press releases and preparing articles and submitting them for publication. She is practiced in coordinating trade and consumer show exhibits and managing participation elements. She is a veteran of multiple product launches including developing strategies for branding, social media, sales, marketing, and distribution. She also was the creative director and designer at the consulting firm she worked at for 10 years.
After 20+ years behind the desk and the economy the way it is and with over 25 years experience in developing marketing strategies, budgets and plans and building multiple marketing departments from the ground up, Paige decided that it made more sense to be someone’s marketing consultant, but moreover their contract marketing manager. There are many companies these days that lack the resources to hire someone full time and try to squeak by with an assistant, but that assistant doesn’t have the experience and knowledge that most companies need. So Inspired Marketing was born.
Marketing is a moving target with so many different areas and facets to it. It is very dynamic and always changing. Paige has had had the opportunity to run departments from the ground up and from stem to stern; She has also developed products and done R & D along the way. It is fun actually. Making a new product and then figuring out how to promote it. Paige’s aim with Inspired Marketing is to help you with your marketing needs! Together we can formulate a plan to grow your business. Let Paige handle the marketing, so you can focus on what you are good at running your business!
You can also check out my About Me or my LinkedIn page for additional information
You can learn more about Paige’s career on her LinkedIn profile