Content ideas
Did you know that images and videos are more viral than words? I am sure you can image why…you can see them. Photos emote something, they tell the story words often can’t. Good social media content is something that people want to read, see, or hear. Sometimes canned content can be great, but if that is all you do – then you are missing the part where you engage and talk to the people you are connected with. I like visual content myself…for example:
I am not a fan of spiders in my house – most of the world is not either. This pic from Minion Quotes is funny and I liked it, downloaded it and shared it because yep- I agree. It is just funny…and true – spiders have a great deal of work to do OUTSIDE my house…not inside my house!
I shared the Super Bowl Commercials, most people did. In creating something that people wanted to see – Budweiser managed to get the viewings at the Superbowl bu t ore over their content was shared globally and they do it each year!
Budweiser’s Super Bowl Commercial
Other things that get shared are news stories, articles, all sorts of stuff. So with social media – content is king…figure out what your followers or friends like and create stuff or find stuff that will interest them!
Another great idea is creating memes – they are fun and engaging
Here is how I engage….
Instragram – I am a photographer so I love instagram – I share what I am doing, what I have done or whatever on instagram. I am building my following organically as I believe there is more engagement if people really want to follow me….I may one day engage in a sponsored program with Instagram, but as of right now…I am okay. Here is a simple pic I threw up on my Instagram page. I didn’t put it up there to sell anything, but get some type of reaction….Instagram post. I always post where I am when I am shooting, interesting views, people and things when I am at a wedding or something. I like Instagram because it is visual. I link it to my Facebook page and my Twitter account and in one post ( that is more protected than others) I have posted to three places. I notice my engagement rate on Instagram and Facebook is higher than Twitter so I tend to concentrate in those areas.
Facebook…. again organic build, however I will most likely do a boost post now that my website is getting there…..Here is a link to my Facebook page and my personal Twitter account.